1. What is TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones?
TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones is a full service travel corporation established in 2001 and operates retail travel agencies, a discount cruise division. The company is bonded and approved by the Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC), the International Air Transport Association (IATA), and the Cruise Line International Association (CLIA). TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones is licensed as a Seller of Travel and is authorized to operate.
2. How do I find my clients?
Everyone you know or meet is a potential client. Start with family, friends, church, sport organizations, business associates, neighbors, teachers and clubs. TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones also provides you with a personalized web page that you can market on the Internet.
3. How do I book travel with suppliers?
You can book directly with suppliers (airlines, cruises, tours, hotels and cars) following the procedures outlined in your Agent Training Manual if you are a CTA and have completed the course. If you are a RTA you can book on your website only.
4. How are commissions earned?
Commissions are paid to TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones by suppliers after the travel date. Then we pay you. This process can take up to 30-60 days after the travel date. The following percentages are typical of what is paid to the agency by suppliers:
• CTA & RTA - make 70% of the commission... on your personal website bookings
• CTA - makes 70% of the commission when booking with suppliers direct
• RTA - makes 20% of the commission when they refer travel to the home office (Travel referral form)
5. How will I receive the airline tickets or other travel documents I sell?
Most clients usually reserve well in advance for discounted fares. First Class mail will generally get the tickets to you or your clients in ample time. If faster delivery is required we can arrange airport pick-up, overnight service, or 2-Day priority mail. Most all airline tickets and travel documents are e documents and you will receive an email only for confirmation.
6. How can I compete with other local agencies?
As an affiliate of TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones you will have access to extremely competitive cruise, tour and airline pricing.
• By utilizing the services of our discount cruise division you will obtain the lowest prices available.
• Use our Travel Club to create customer loyalty by offering special discount vacations travel for members.
• The above services, as well as good customer service, will set you apart from agencies in your local area.
• You do not always have to be the lowest – just competitively priced. There are too many variables in travel to ever claim to be the lowest.
7. How do I get brochures?
Suppliers will send you brochures once you are established with them at no cost to you.
8. What operating expenses are there other than my initial investment?
Very Little! You'll need business cards, and if you would like, letterhead and invoices displaying your agency name. If you wish, you can work off your dining table and use your existing phone. (Most travel suppliers have 800 numbers so there will be no long distance phone bills to worry about.)
9. How long does my network membership last and are there any monthly fees?
Your membership in the Network will be renewed on the one year anniversary date of your initial affiliation with TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones. There is a monthly fee of $59.95.
10. How do I get travel agent discounts?
As an RTA you do not get travel discounts but you are eligible for the TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones Member Trips. CTA's can contact the supplier direct for discounts. Every supplier's requirements are different. Some will honor the TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones Agent ID card and some may require an IATA/ IATAN card.
11. What is an IATA / IATAN card and how do I get one?
You must earn $5000.00 in travel commissions to get to this level. TraVerus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones will keep track of you travel commission earned and automatically apply for your IATA card when you reach this level.
12. What is a CLIA card and how do I get one?
Go to www.cruising.org and click under travel agent then put in our CLIA number which has changed recently to 45 609642 (same as the IATA #).
For More Information Contact:
Daryl D. Alex
Regional Executive
Traverus Travel And TeleVerus Cell Phones