Digital Phone Service - $18.99 - NO CONTRACT REQUIRED!
TeleVerus Cell Phones, has launched the latest revolutionary Telecommunication products to help you save money.
TeleVerus Residential Digital Phone Service - Normally cost $22.99 However, for Televerus Agent Cost $18.99 (that a $4.00 savings).
Just take a look at some of the great advantages for taking part in TeleVerus:
*Unlimited local & long distance calling in the U.S.,Canada,Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
*Amazingly low international rates for land line and some cellular calls to over 30 Countries.
*No commitment and a month-to-month service.
The only requirements for TeleVerus Phones users are:
*High-speed Internet connection (Cable, DSL, fiber, or company LAN)
*Either an ATA (analog telephone adapter) along with a regular corded or cordless phone. (equipment sold separately)
*Or a SIP phone or videophone
*Credit card payments are acceptable
*Email address for notifications and voicemail delivery (if desired)
TeleVerus also offers some of the most sort after features:
*Online Account Management
*Call Blast
*Add-on Applications
*Call Waiting
*Enhanced Caller ID
*Free On-Net Calling
*Enhanced Voicemail (also including Videomail)
*Message Waiting Indicator (MWI)
*7-digit Local Dialing
*3-Way Calling
*Speed Dial
*Great International Rates
*Electronic Billing
Please Note – Televerus residential plan is designated by the usage pattern. If more than 50% of the calls originate between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday thru Friday, However,TeleVerus does reserves the right to move the customer to the business digital phone service.
For More Information Contact:
Daryl D. Alex